Romain Cosson

Inria Paris, France
Don't hesitate to reach out!

Email: romain (dot) cosson (at) inria (dot) fr
Linkedin profile, Google scholar


I am a PhD student at Inria Paris and affliated to Argo in DI ENS where I am advised by Prof. Laurent Massoulié. My research interest is in online algorithms, inference, and decision-making. Prior to my PhD, I received a M.S. degree in computer science from MIT where I was advised by Prof. Devavrat Shah. My undergraduate was in economics and computer science as an "élève ingénieur" at Ecole polytechnique. I was also fortunate to work with many other inspiring collaborators, among whom are Moïse Blanchard, Prof. Steve Hanneke, Prof. Ali Jadbabie, Prof. Anuran Makur, Amirhossein Reisizadeh, and Prof. Laurent Viennot.

Research Papers

Teaching Assistant

TA translates to "chargé de TD" in French. I enjoy engaging with students and I believe that teaching is also the best way to learn!

Recent Talks

-- Argo is a project team of INRIA Paris and affilitaed to DI ENS --

-- I am interested in the topic of collaborative exploration, above is an animated illustration. See also my interactive illustration of the tree-mining game --